Letter From Tooth Fairy ‘Withholding Payment’ For Hygiene Causes Hilarious Twitter Uproar

Out of all the ‘childhood myths’ in my household, the Tooth Fairy somehow lasted the longest. Unlike some families, my parents made little effort to keep up the pretenses of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but the Tooth Fairy somehow managed to stay around for longer than he should have.

At Christmas and Easter, it was common for my parents to have to remind us not to ruin the holidays for other children that still believed. We dutifully kept quiet in the company of others, but when it was just the family, there was an understanding that those were just fun stories and the myth wasn’t at all real. However, for some strange reason, the Tooth Fairy myth was maintained. Whenever we lost a tooth, we slipped it under our pillows and discovered at least $1 the next morning. To be honest, I’m not sure that we even believed in the Tooth Fairy, but everyone played along anyway. I think my mom still has a little box with some of our baby teeth hid away in a drawer somewhere.

Meet 8-year-old Sam Warren from London, England. He definitely still believes in the Tooth Fairy, and his dad is determined to use that to their advantage. Henry Warren noticed that Sam, like many children his age, isn’t quite as diligent about his dental hygiene as he could be. So, Sam’s clever dad wrote a very official looking note from ‘Barry T. Tooth Fairy’. Barry included a single coin for the enclosed tooth, but informed Sam that the rest of the payment was withheld until he improved his brushing performance.

This creative bit of parenting is something that most parents will easily relate to. Perhaps that’s why the letter, which Henry posted on his twitter account, has garnered a ton of responses and hilarious tooth fairy related comments.

Go to next page to see the tooth fairy letter.

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